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Im D Man Madison... Goin Hard In The Paint trying to get tha snake out tha grass...Ayeee!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Paper prototype

What did I learn from creating a game with paper and a pencil ? I learned how to draw better , new ideas m & interesting facts about cheetahs .

What was easy about drawing your hidden object game ? What was hard ? Some of the drawings were easy & looking for things to hide was hard .

What do you still need to add to your game ? A little more creativity .


  1. Your answers were not the best for the questions because they were short and could be elaborated .

  2. I agree whit you on how creating a game whit pencil and paper makes you draw better because your doing it on your own no one is helping you so that's how you learn . And for me it was also a difficulty looking for things to hide .
