- Alien species are invading a lot of environment, spreading, destroying many cities and state.
- Living things expect the boundaries.
- People almost never see these creatures.
- Weeds cover the lake so the people was famine. Lack of food.
- Every animal goes hand and had and if one animal dies the animal that feed on that animal is going to die also.
Part Two
- If the weasels do one small the it is helping the fisherman and they need it because the thing the weasels do, helps the hungy people.
- Everywhere you can find aliens who hurt the environments.
- Some of the animals can cause run off or erosion and thats going to be bad for the environment and animals habitat.
- Some of these plants need animals because it helps them reproduce.
- Some people try to get rid of the aliens like killing them and making them extinct.
Part Three
- More than 7,000 species are traveling everyday.
- Species with out order means that they are less for some reason.
- Species evolve enough to see the climate change.
- Climate change can be caused by anything.
- The wilderness is hard to live in.
- The number of cerabus are declining each year.
- Some species are effected by the climate so they cant hunt.
Part Four
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